The Ultimate Retro Effect – Reviving Old VFX for Today’s Audiences

Here is a link which shows that in movies, the more things change, the more they remain the same.

The video montage below compares old silent movies ‘special effects’ with VFX (Visual Effects) found in today’s videos. By our modern standards, the old effects seem crude, but the ideas are the same as today’s. We could also do the same comparison with other types of digital technology used in movies now, like filming with digital video cameras and computer editing.

This proves that despite the so-called ‘digital’ revolution in films, the content of movies today or tomorrow will not automatically improve.

What Are They Doing With Those Hands? The Importance of Hands in Filmmaking

Did you ever notice that whenever we see photographs of film directors, we always see them frame a shot with their hands?  Not sure if that is a tick, or maybe that’s what photographers think film directors do all day. In the past, the stereotype of a director (ironically, in movies) was of someone with a megaphone wearing riding boots, a cap, and breeches. That’s now gone. It’s been replaced with the image of the film director as a mime.


The importance of hands in filmmaking? There is none.

Movie Wars: How Hollywood And The Media Conspire To Limit The Films We Can See

In this episode, we have an interview with American film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum about his book: “Movies Wars: How Hollywood and the media conspire to limit the films we can see.” The book deals with the dominance of Hollywood and the mainstream media in how movies are sold to the public.

Find out more about the book in the episode’s show notes here:

Budge Crawley – What Happened to Canada’s King of Film? – Show Notes and Links

The book “Budge: What happened to Canada’s king of film” is out of print but still available via Amazon and Abebooks.  For people interested in reading it, here are links to help you purchase it;



Other useful links:

Barbara Wade Rose’s website:

Watch the documentary “The man who skied down Everest” for free:

Watch an early Crawley film called “The Loon’s Necklace” on YouTube:

Watch the first Crawley feature film, “The luck of Ginger Coffey” on YouTube:

The Multiplex Episode – Great Film Recommendations You Need To Know Now

In this multiplex episode, we have recommendations for people looking for above average film criticism and fascinating movie books. We also have a short discussion about the Canadian Cooperation Project and some Hollywood news.

Check out the recommendations:

Budge Crawley – What Happened to Canada’s King of Film?

In this episode, I have an interview with the author Barbara Wade Rose, who wrote a biography about Canadian filmmaker Budge Crawley called “Budge: What happened to Canada’s king of film”.

Budge Crawley was a pioneer Canadian independent filmmaker who started making films in Ottawa, Ontario during the 40s and had a long film career that culminated in winning an Oscar for a documentary called “The man who skied down Everest”. Now he is forgotten, but we will attempt to revive his achievements by talking about his life and movies.

Link to the show notes:

Money Is The Real Star – The Business History Of Hollywood – Part 2

We continue and finish our talk about the early history of Hollywood. But not the history of movie stars or movies, but the history of film from the very practical point of view of business. How did Hollywood make its money? Listen and find out.

Money Is The Real Star – The Business History Of Hollywood – Part 1

We talk about the early history of Hollywood. But not the history of movie stars or movies, but the history of film from the very practical point of view of business. How did Hollywood make its money? Listen and find out.